Fever Spots

America, the Lonely
01/08/2015 05:32 am - opinion

Americans are cut off from each other. We live independent lives, our futures are separate, and we don't feel humanly connections.

Everyday you are bombarded with messages. These messages tell you to "buy", to "consume", and to "be". Buy more stuff. Consume more products and entertainment. Be full via material accumulations. Don't fill up on character, you might upset the balance.

Our current way of life in America is neither sustainable nor ideal. As an individual, you are taught that you are special and unique. As an individual, you are taught to constantly compete against your fellow humans. The American Dream is more fabrication than dream, more fiction than fact. Don't deviate from the dream, you might upset the balance.

We live in isolated rooms in isolated homes. We fence off our yards, we gate our communities. We drive in our isolated cars to occupy isolated buildings to do business. We do our business in our own spaces and places. That's MY desk, MY pen, MY computer, MY chair, and MY space. Don't share, you might upset the balance.

Are we scared to work together? Are we MADE to feel scared to work together? Don't talk to strangers. Lock your doors at night. Keep to yourself. Mind your own business. It's not your problem. Don't upset the balance.

How can we change this? How can we become reconnected? What is the root issue?

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