Fever Spots

Anti-Sobriety Society
01/08/2015 05:33 am - opinion

America has become a society where it is considered weird and strange to not take some sort of drug for recreation. Regardless of you race, age (within reason), sex, or creed you will be judged as weird or strange. You will be labeled a loser, square, or grandpa. There is an expectation that you enjoy drugs and will gladly do them when asked.

You should never be ashamed for refusing any drug of any sort. Its easy to see why someone would smoke weed, crack, or opium. It isn't hard to understand a persons love of binge drinking, blowing lines, or shooting up. Life can be a total bitch. Horrible parents, dangerous strangers, and worldly tricksters are only the tip of the shitty-life iceberg. Natural disasters, unfortunate accidents, and general shit-luck can also ruin your life.

How do we say no to our friends and still be cool? You don't. It sucks, but if your friends only want to get high, you need to get new friends. If your family always wants to drink and you can't stand it, you may not see your family so often. Another way that life can be a giant deush.

Its up to you to make things better. You have to do whats necessary to be happy. No one is going to just hand you happiness in a well wrapped box. Tomorrow will come no matter what you do. Use today to make tomorrow better.

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