Fever Spots

Stop the Reboots
01/08/2015 05:32 am - opinion

And another movie franchise gets the reboot. If I were to count how many reboots have been released in the last year I would go crazy. But heres a list of recent and in production reboots:

  • Annie - 12/19/2014
  • The Crow - future
  • Godzilla - 05/16/14
  • Blade Runner - future
  • Drop Dead Fred - future
  • Robocop - 02/12/2014
  • Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles - 08/14/2014
  • The Naked Gun - future
  • Rosemarys Baby - 05/11/2014
  • Mad Max - future
  • Point Break - future
  • Men in Black - future
  • Poltergeist - future

The list goes on and on and on...

I understand why this is being done. These are, in most cases, established franchise that can be squeezed for higher earnings. Our nostalgia for the original production of these movies will be damaged by the likely inferior remakes though. Which in turn will lead to less revenue down the road.

A counter point to the anti-reboot rhetoric is the common refrain of "most of these stories have already been told". Godzilla is a reboot of a reboot of a reboot of a foreign film. Romeo & Juliet is a story that has been done to death. In a sense, a reboot is just a another theaters production of a classic play. Each theater house has their own set of actors just as each reboot has its own cast. The problem with this argument is that although a play may have different actors, the script and the scenes do not stray too far from the source. Reboots don't have as much reverence for the original. Scenes are added or removed, origins and back stories are cut or altered. Even the ending itself may change.

The problem I see is that we ourselves are the ones to blame. They keep pumping out the same old same old, and we eat it up. If we stopped giving Hollywood our money, maybe they will change their tune.

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