Fever Spots

Why do we say "Bless you"?
01/08/2015 05:33 am - opinion

Why do we say "bless you" when someone sneezes? Is it to ward off evil spirits? Is it because during the bubonic plague sneezing was a first sign of the sickness and the phrase was uttered to wish you God's blessings? Does it really matter the origin?

Well, maybe it matters a little bit. Regardless of the origin, the fact is we still say "bless you" after someone sneezes. This is a trained response, one deeply planted in our subconscious. You don't have to think about saying the phrase when someone sneezes, you just automatically do it. Pavlov would be proud.

Is this a problem? No, not necessarily. If you want to say it, then say it. Its generally an accepted thing to do in our culture and a good number of people will be offended if you don't say it. However, its a form of control that forces religion into your life and lexicon. Innocuous or not, saying "bless you" serves no real purpose. "Bless you" is mainly an empty phrase leftover from a time when religion had a tighter grip on the populace.

What do you think? How do you respond to a sneeze? What do you do when someone says "bless you" to you? Sound off in the comments below.

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